If the company fails to meet its obligations, it would mark the first principal default in China's domestic bond market. 如果它无法履行这一义务,这将成为中国国内债券市场上首次本金违约。
Investors may suffer losses on their principal when they need to sell the bond, unless it is held to maturity. 投资者除非一直持有债券直至到期日,否则出售债券时可能会蒙受本金的损失。
Principal Components Analysis on the Factors Influencing the Scale of Bond 影响国债发行规模因素的主成分分析
A bond holder receives a stream of interest, or coupons for owning the bond and gets back his principal on maturity of the bond. 债券持有人会定期收到利息以及在到期时取回相等于债券面值的金额。
The principal amount of a bond which is stated on its face and which the issuer is obligated to pay at the date of maturity. 票面价值债券的票面价值是票面所列价值,代表发行人在到期日必须支付的金额。
Investors may suffer losses on their principal if they need to sell a bond prior to its maturity. 若投资者需要在到期前出售债券,本金可能会蒙受损失。
The fourth business day prior to an international bond's date of repayment of principal at maturity is the final day on which transactions in that bond may take place through the IBTS. 透过本系统买卖之国际债券,以到期还本日前第四个营业日为该债券于本系统买卖之最后交易日。
A form of guarantee of payment issued by a bank used to guarantee the payment of interest and repayment of principal on bond issues. 信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件。
The effect of stress ratios and intermediate principal stress on the strength of grout is studied. The whole processes of bond failure of grout-concrete interface are analyzed based on the P-δ curves. 通过试验,得到了荷载&滑移全曲线,分析了灌浆体与混凝土基体粘结滑移破坏的全过程,研究了灌浆强度和钻孔直径对于界面粘结强度的影响。
Compared with the non-risk national bond, the corporate bond investors must undertake the extra default-risk which the enterprise couldn't repays the principal and interest of the bond. 和无风险国债相比,企业债券的投资者必须承担由于企业无力偿还债券本息的额外违约风险。